Monday, January 3, 2011

And so begins another year...

As I think back on 2010 there are a lot of things I reflect on. I won't discuss all of them because I did that in a previous post. One thing I keep finding myself going back to is how amazing my husband is! I knew I married a pretty awesome man on May 17, 2008, but I only brushed the surface of how much I needed him and how God choose him for me. Over the past 2.5 years God continues to show me that he choose Brian to be my husband because He knew what I needed in a husband. The song by Brad Paisley describes it best by saying, "I thought I loved you then". I never thought I could love Brian any more than I did the day I married him. I know I'll think back to this post when we have been married 50 years and think the same thing.

So... I'll quit being mushy and talk about my plans for 2011. I want to emphasize my because... well I always think I have it together and then God puts my life back into check.
1. Loose 20-25 pounds.
2. Buy Brian a car.
3. Start to plan our family.
4. Have both of us employed.
5. Have my Masters 1/2 done.
6. Visit Mickey Mouse.

I guess that about rounds it out.

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